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Massage Therapy

"Chi" Therapeutic Massage

Massage Therapy for Body, Mind & Spirit

Massage Therapy is a natural healing art used for centuries throughout the
world to enhance healthy conditions of body, mind, and spirit.

Various touch techniques are used to manipulate soft tissues including muscles, tendons and ligaments, to help relieve pain, correct skeletal structure,

increase circulation, reduce stress, and balance internal energy or life force ‘Chi’.


Chi therapeutic massage increases the flow of life's energy within the body and

activate a calm and positive state of mind.


Eastern & Western Techniques - To Relieve Pain,

Reduce Stress & Balance Internal Energy, "Chi".


Swedish ,  Deep Tissue,  Thai ,  Shiatsu,  Tui Na,  Acupressure,

Sports,  Neuromuscular  &  Qigong  "Energy Healing"  Massage.



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